Luca Castagnoli Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy Stavros Niarchos Foundation Clarendon Fellow and Tutor in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Oriel College
Jan Westerhoff Associate Professor (Professor of Buddhist Philosophy) Faculty of Theology and Religion
9 May 16th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture (Thursday - Week 3, TT24) Professor James Allen (Toronto): ‘Aristotle, Dialectic, and Philosophy' Amersi Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College
24 May Corpus Christi Classics Centre Lecture (Friday - Week 5, TT24) George Boys-Stones (Toronto): ‘The Limits of Eudaimonism. Theories of Virtue in the Ancient Platonist Tradition' Corpus Christi Auditorium
24 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, HT22) James Warren | Corpus Christi College, Cambridge | Aristotle on Political Persistence Amersi Foundation Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College
6 Jun 11th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture (Thursday - Week 6, TT19) Katja Maria Vogt | Columbia | 'Three Euthyphro Problems' (Lecture Room)
25 Feb 12th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture (Tuesday - Week 6, HT20) Tad Brennan | Cornell | Desire in Plato's Symposium (Amersi Foundational Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College)
17 Jun 13th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture Susanne Bobzien | All Souls College | Quasi-propositions and Emotivism in Stoic Speech-Act Theory Online
24 Feb 14th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture James Warren | Corpus Christi College, Cambridge | Aristotle on Political Persistence Amersi Foundation Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College
18 May 15th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture Rachana Kamtekar (Cornell): 'Watch what you’re doing! Habituation and Law in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics' Amersi Foundation Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College
3 Jun Aristotle, Plotinus and Simplicius on Change and Activity (Monday & Tuesday - Week 6, TT19) Various speakers (Keble College)
6 Jun CANCELLED - Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 7, TT24) Fiona Leigh (UCL): ‘Elenchus, Dialectic, and Epistemic Virtue in the Republic' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
17 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, HT19) Ricardo Salles | UNAM | 'Stoic and Pythagorean Theories of Everlasting Recurrence' (Ryle Room)
23 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, HT20) Katerina Ierodiakonou | Geneva | Aristotle on Taste and Flavours (Ryle Room)
21 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, HT21) Simon Shogry | Oxford | Socratic medicine: the Stoics on the value of the elenchus Online
20 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, HT22) Tobias Reinhardt | Oxford | Navigating Cognitive Success (and Failure): Cicero Lucullus 65-6 Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
18 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, HT24) Samuel Meister (Tübingen): ‘What Does Aristotle Try to Show in Metaphysics Λ.6–7?' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
23 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, HT25) CANCELLED Jenny Bryan (Manchester): 'Heraclitus’ Epistemic Pessimism' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
17 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, MT19) Michael Peramatzis | Oxford | Aristotle on How Essence Grounds Necessity (Ryle Room)
15 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, MT20) Frisbee Sheffield | Cambridge | Desire and Argument in Plato's Gorgias Online
14 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, MT21) Janine Guhler | Oxford | Plato on dragging the soul towards truth with mathematics Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
13 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, MT22) Sean Kelsey | Notre Dame | 'Mind and World in Aristotle's De Anima' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
12 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, MT23) Bridget Brasher (MIT): 'How Can Aristotle Prove Nonexistence? An Analysis of Physics IV 6-9' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
17 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, MT24) Phillipp Brüllman (Heidelberg University): 'The look at nature: A Cynic tool and its Stoic use' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
2 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, TT19) Nathaniel Stein | Florida State | 'Causation and Observation in Aristotle' (Ryle Room)
30 Apr Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, TT20) Frisbee Sheffield | Cambridge | Why Speech Matters: The Ethics of Communication in Plato’s Gorgias - CANCELLED
29 Apr Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, TT21) Lea Cantor | Oxford | The Centred View: A New Epistemological Reading of Parmenides’ Sphere Analogy Online
28 Apr Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, TT22) Sylvain Delcomminette | ULB | 'Idealism and Greek Philosophy: What Natorp saw and Burnyeat missed' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
27 Apr Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, TT23) Ugo Zilioli (Oxford): 'On things. On the origin and genealogy of Pyrrho's metaphysics' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
25 Apr Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 1, TT24) Eric Brown (Washington University in St Louis): ‘Stoics on Uncertainty’ Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
24 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT19) Maria Michela Sassi | Pisa | 'Ancient Reflections on the Nature of Colour' (Ryle Room)
30 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT20) Chiara Martini | Oxford | Geometrical Changes: Change and Motion in Aristotle’s Geometry (Ryle Room)
28 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT21) Mor Segev | South Florida | Aristotle’s response to pessimism Online
27 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT22) Stefan Sienkewicz | Oxford | A Pyrrhonian Interpretation of Arcesilaus Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
26 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT23) Cristiana Sessini (University of Oxford): 'The pessimism of Plato’s Cave' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
25 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT24) Francesco Ademollo (Florence): ‘Aristotle, De interpretatione 9: A Fresh Look’ Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
30 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT25) Isabelle Chouinard (Yale): 'Epictetus’ On Cynicism and the Stoic Debate on the Cynic Lifestyle' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
24 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, MT19) Suzanne Obdrzalek | Claremont McKenna | Plato on Soul-Body Unity (Ryle Room)
22 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, MT20) Richard Bett | Johns Hopkins | Attitudes towards Common Sense in Ancient Greek Philosophy Online
21 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, MT21) Niels Christensen | Copenhagen | Being the Best: Heroic and Socratic Virtue in Aristotelian Megalopsychia Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
20 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, MT22) Ilan Moradi | Beijing | 'The Evolution of Aristotle's Theory of Substance from the Categories to the Metaphysics: Ontology, Determinology and Epistemology' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
19 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, MT23) Daniel Ferguson (KCL): 'Plato’s Civic Tripartition and Its Psychological Implications' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
6 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, TT21) Sybilla Pereira | Oxford CANCELLED Online
2 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, TT24) Wenjin Liu (Duke): ‘The Root of Political Degeneration' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
31 Jan Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 3, HT19) Harry Alanen | Oxford | 'The Aporia of Physics III.3: Aristotle on the Sameness of Action and Affection' (Ryle Room)
28 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 3, MT21) Jean-Baptiste Gourinat | CNRS, Paris | Prolepsis between Epicurus and the Stoa Online
11 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, HT21) Lindsay Judson | Oxford | Aristotle conception of nature in Physics II.1 Online
10 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, HT22) Jenny Rallens | Oxford | The ‘sayable’ in Augustine’s theory of language and knowledge Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
9 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, HT23) Ricardo Salles (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): 'Elements, sea and stars in Anaximander' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
8 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, HT24) Masaru Yasuda (Kyoto): 'Academics' Error of Non-Assent and the Vice of Scepticism' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
13 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, HT25) Mika Perälä (Helsinki): 'Epagōgē and archai in Aristotle’s ethics' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
1 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, MT18) Katharine O'Reilly | Oxford | 'The Jellyfish's Pleasures' (Ryle Room)
7 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, MT19) Damian Caluori | Edinburgh | Relatives and Relations in Plotinus Ennead VI.1.6-9 (Ryle Room)
5 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, MT20) Robin Brons | Oxford | How To Do Ancient Philosophy Comparatively - Examining the potential and pitfalls of juxtaposing Greek and non-Greek philosophy Online
3 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, MT22) Caterina Pellò (Nottingham): 'A Rehearsal for Death: Presocratic Philosophers on Sleeping and Dying' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
2 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, MT23) Please note this workshop has been cancelled.
23 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, TT19) Rachana Kamtekar | Cornell | 'Platonic Pity: Why Compassion is Not a Platonic Virtue' (Ryle Room)
20 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, TT21) Caterina Baldini | Oxford | Aristotle’s Metaphysics K: beyond the dualistic approach Online
19 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, TT22) Marion Durand | Oxford | 'Why Must the Sage be a Dialectician?' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
18 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, TT23) Rachana Kamtekar (Cornell): 'Watch what you’re doing! Habituation and Law in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics' Amersi Foundation Lecture Theatre, Brasenose College
16 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 4, TT24) Giulia Bonasio (Durham): ‘The virtues of theoretical thinking in the Eudemian Ethics' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
14 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT19) Tosca Lynch | Oxford | '‘The most beautiful harmony arises from conflicting elements’: Harmonia and the ‘Soul of the Whole’ in Plato’s Timaeus' (Ryle Room)
20 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT20) Klaus Corcilius | Tübingen | Practical Reasoning and Participation in Plato’s Timaeus (Ryle Room)
18 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT21) Inna Kupreeva | Edinburgh | The Empiricist apology in Galen's early work 'On Medical Experience' Online
17 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT22) Catherine Rowett | UEA | “It seems to me that our soul is a bit like a book”: getting things right and wrong in the Philebus, Sophist and Theaetetus. Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
16 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT23) Annamaria Schiaparelli (Université de Genève): 'Parts and Whole in Aristotle's Categories' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
15 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT24) Pierre-Marie Morel (Paris): 'Epicurean akribeia: heritage and innovation' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
20 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, HT25) Jenny Bryan (Manchester): 'Heraclitus’ Epistemic Pessimism' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
8 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, MT18) Paolo Fait | Oxford | 'Categories in Topics I.9' (Ryle Room)
14 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, MT19) Milos Arsenijevic and Sandra Scepanovic | Belgrade | The Origin of the Manifestly Heterogeneous World in Anaxagoras’ Physics (Ryle Room)
12 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, MT20) Primary Whitney Schwab | Maryland | Stoic Epistemology's Response to the Timaean Challenge Online
11 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, MT21) Merrick Anderson | UCL | Republic 2 and the 5th century debate about justice Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
10 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, MT22) Roberto Granieri (KU Leuven): 'Plato on the Power of Dialectic' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
14 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, MT24) David Ebrey (University of Barcelona): 'The initial division of the soul in Republic IV' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
30 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, TT19) Marion Durand | Toronto | 'Stoic Semantic Completeness' (Ryle Room)
27 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, TT21) Alesia Preite | Oxford | What Does the Universe Think About? On Cosmic Cognition in the Timaeus Online
25 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 5, TT23) Demosthenes Patramanis (Oxford): 'Theaetetus 202d-206c: Does Socrates Employ a Bad Argument?' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
21 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, HT19) Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi | UCL | 'Aristotle on self-improvement and self-annihilation' (Ryle Room)
25 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, HT21) Carlotta Capuccino | Bologna | CANCELLED Online
23 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, HT23) Hermann Koerner (University of Oxford): 'Phronēsis as the Soul’s Original Nature in Plato’s Phaedo' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
22 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, HT24) Guus Eelink (Tübingen) and Pieter Sjoerd Hasper (Hamburg): 'When Nous makes all the Difference: Aristotle's Account of Epistêmê and Doxa in Posterior Analytics 1.33' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
27 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, HT25) Teddy Jennings (Oxford): 'Visible Kinds and 'True' Mathematics in Republic VI and VII' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
21 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, MT19) Susanne Bobzien | Oxford | Stoic indemonstrables and demonstration (Ryle Room)
19 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, MT20) -CANCELLED Inna Kupreeva | Edinburgh Online
18 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, MT21) Ian Hensley | East Tennessee State | The Pantheon of Stoic Physics Online
17 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, MT22) Andrea Buongiorno (Oxford): 'Ontological Multivocity and Ontological Primacy in Metaphysics Z4' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
21 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, MT24) Patricia Marechal (University of California San Diego): Plato on Women, Thumos, and Agency Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
3 Jun Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, TT21) Sara Magrin | Pittsburgh | Plotinus on the epistemic role of memory (Ennead 4.6) Online
1 Jun Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, TT23) Takashi Oki (Oxford): 'Aristotle on the infinite' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
30 May Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 6, TT24) Hannah Laurens (Oxford): ‘Aristotle's Prime Mover: Paradigm of Life and Self-Love' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
28 Feb Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 7, HT19) Thomas Benatouil | Cambridge / Lille | 'Speusippus and the Theaetetus' (Ryle Room)
22 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 7, MT18) Paulina Remes | Uppsala | 'Wanting to be Determinate? Self-Perception and Self-Knowledge in Aristotle's EE 7,12' (Ryle Room)
28 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 7, MT24) Zena Hitz (St John's College, Annapolis, Maryland): 'Phronesis and Politics' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
13 Jun Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 7, TT19) Karen Margrethe Nielsen | Oxford | 'Truth in Nicomachean Ethics VI' (Ryle Room)
10 Jun Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 7, TT21) Sybilla Pereira | Oxford | ‘Own it’: Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk – Plato on Doxastic Ownership and Epistemic Agency in the Meno and Gorgias Online
11 Mar Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, HT21) Dimitri El Murr | Paris | Satyr-play in the Statesman: Socrates, Athens, and the apologetic function of Plato’s trilogy Online
10 Mar Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, HT22) Nicolas Zaks | KU Leuven | What is the relationship between genus and differentia in Aristotle? The case of Metaphysics Iota Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
9 Mar Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, HT23) Laura Castelli (University of Cambridge): 'Aristotle on the Opposites and Plato’s Sophist' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
7 Mar Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, HT24) Sosseh Assaturian (Washington-Seattle): 'What Are Stoic Cases (ptōseis)?' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
13 Mar Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, HT25) Allison Piñeros-Glasscock (Georgia State University): 'Others and Oikeiōsis: A Platonic source for the Stoic theory' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
29 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT18) Philipp Kurbel | Oxford | 'Aristotle on Metaphor' (Ryle Room)
5 Dec Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT19) Naoya Iwata | Oxford | Collection and Division in the Phaedrus (Ryle Room)
3 Dec Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT20) -CANCELLED Caterina Baldini | Oxford | Aristotle’s Metaphysics K: beyond the dualistic approach - CANCELLED Online
2 Dec Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT21) Margaret Hampson | St Andrews | The tyrant and the failure of philia Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
1 Dec Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT22) Jula Wildberger (American University of Paris): 'Types of Stoic Ethics' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
30 Nov Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT23) Please note that this event has been cancelled Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
5 Dec Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, MT24) David Bronstein (University of Notre Dame, Australia): 'Scientific Propositions in Posterior Analytics 1.4–6' Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
17 Jun Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 8, TT21) Susanne Bobzien | All Souls College | Quasi-propositions and Emotivism in Stoic Speech-Act Theory Online
11 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Week 1, MT18) Dominic Scott | Oxford | 'Plato's Tyrant' (Ryle Room)
18 Oct Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Week 2, MT18) Marta Jimenez | Emory | 'Aristotle on Justice as Two Virtues' (Ryle Room)