MSt in Ancient Philosophy Alumni Information
The MSt in Ancient Philosophy offers a graduate education in ancient philosophy of the highest possible quality and provides a foundation from which candidates can go on to pursue doctoral work in the area. This page provides information on what graduates of the MSt in Ancient Philosophy have gone on to do. In line with UK government legislation (GDPR), this page only includes details of students/alumni from whom we have received written permission to publish their information.
If you are a former MSt in Ancient Philosophy student and have information on what you've got up to since leaving the course, which you'd like to share with us for publication, please submit the details via our BPhil and MSt Placement Record Form, or email the information to
11 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2023
Franciszek Bryk is currently working as a Buisness Journalist at React News
Qasver Khan is currently working as a Pupil Barrister at 23ES Chambers (from October 2023 - October 2024)
Frances Mangina progressed to doctoral studies at the University of Chicago (from 2023)
Setareh Rezazad progressed to the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from 2023)
Varun Sikand enrolled in the PhD program at Princeton University as part of the Classical Philosophy Program (from 2023)
13 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2022
Kassandra Dugi progressed to the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from 2022)
Nathan Elvidge progressed to the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from 2022)
Lauren Miano has enrolled on the PhD program at Princeton University as part of the Classical Philosophy Program (from 2022)
Madeleine Parkinson progressed to the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from 2022)
Alexander Stooshinoff has accepted a fully-funded PhD position with an extra scholarship between McGill University and the Humboldt University of Berlin (from 2022)
8 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2021
Emily Daly spent a year working as a copywriter at Koto, before progressing to the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from 2023)
Darcey Walker-Merison is currently a PhD candidate at the University of St Andrews, working on the moral psychology of cultivating good citizens in Plato and Aristotle, supervised by Margaret Hampson
Benedikt Winterhalter is an Associate in the content team of AlphaSights
7 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2020
Emma Burton spent a year as a visiting student in the Classics Department at Heidelberg University, Germany, and in 2023 commenced a PhD in Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, United States.
Sean Costello is currently enrolled on a PhD in Philosophy and an MA in Classical Studies (Greek) at the University of Michigan, United States.
Oliver Cole Whetstone has been teaching as an Out-Tutor in (spoken) Ancient Greek at Jesus College, Oxford (since April 2021), and is a founding member of Oxford Latinitas Ltd., which is an Oxford-based organization committed to teaching the dead classical languages as living languages. In addition Oliver has also been teaching Latin, Ancient Greek and Philosophy privately.
7 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2019
Andrea Buongiorno is currently studing for a DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from 2020)
Jessica Dean worked for the Biden campaign in Pennsylvania and is currently working on a documentary on the Dreyfus affair for the Special Collections Library at the University of Pennsylvania (February 2021)
Severin Gotz taught Latin and German as a Foreign Language at ABC-Bildungszentrum (2019) and is employed as an Official at the Austrian Ministry of Science (from March 2020)
Ludovic Meaby is currently working for Jardine Matheson in Hong Kong (from September 2019)
8 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2018
Bridget Brasher is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy at Princeton University (from September 2018)
Lea Cantor completed the DPhil in Philosophy here in the Faculty of Philosophy, and from October 2023 will take up a Research Fellowship at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge
Kevin Chapman completed a JD at the University of Chicago Law School (from September 2019) and is currently an Associate Attorney at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Jonathan Phillips Desnick is studying medicine in New York at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (from August 2018)
Severin Gotz is currently doing a PhD in Classics at the University of Vienna
Ciar McCormick is currently interning at Gore & Grimes Solicitors and studying for a Diploma in Law at the Law Society of Ireland (from September 2019)
Sam Sykes is currently studying for a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) at City, University of London (from September 2018)
Joel Vall Thomas - TBC
9 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2017
Joshua Blecher-Cohen is currently studying for a JD in Law at Yale Law School (from August 2017)
Louise Chapman is currently writing up her PhD in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. She is also the CEO of, a boutique author services firm offering proofreading and copy-editing to non-native philosophers and classicists (2021)
Alexandra Cohn is completing a Family Medicine residency at Christiana Care
Alexander Cranstoun is currently a trainee solicitor with Slaughter and May (from September 2019)
Roger Kim is currently completing his military service in the Korean Army (from September 2017 - June 2019)
Hermann Koerner completed a two-year Master's in Ancient Philosophy at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy (2017-19) and is currently enrolled on the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford
Vikram Kumar completed a two-year Master's in Ancient Philosophy at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy (2017-19), and is currently studying a PhD in Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy track at Cornell University (from September 2019).
Floriane Van den Brande worked at a contemporary art gallery in Copenhagen (from September 2017 - January 2018). She is now working at a contemporary art gallery in London called l’étrangère (from December 2018)
Edward Zuo worked in research for China Securities and product sales at Guotai Junan before returning to school at the London School of Economics to study business. He now focuses on fuel cell electric vehicle research (updated July 2023).
7 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2016
Taylor Barinka is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Toronto (from September 2017)
Laurenz Casser studied for the BPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from October 2016 – June 2018). He has completed a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Sheffield
Amy Garland worked with the Paideia Institute in New York and Rome (from September 2016 - August 2018). She is currently studying for a JD in Law at NYU School of Law (from September 2018)
Austin Heath is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy at John Hopkins University (from September 2016)
Sybilla Pereira is currently studying for the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from September 2016)
Taylor Pincin is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin (from September 2016)
Paul Reynolds
7 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2015
Guus Eelink completed the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford and is currently a Lecturer in Philosophy at St Benet's Hall, University of Oxford (from October 2019)
Daniel Harkin is currently studying for the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from September 2015)
Bradford Kim went on to complete the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (September 2015 - May 2018). He is currently working as a Instructor in Philosophy at Auburn University (from August 2019) and in October 2021 will take up a position as Polonsky Fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Fiammetta Rossetti
Gabriel Shapiro completed a PhD in Philosophy at Princeton University (2022). He went on to become a Bersoff Faculty Fellow in the Philosophy Department at New York University (2022-2024). Starting September 2024, he will become an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Michigan.
5 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2014
Harry Alanen is currently studying for the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from September 2014)
Philipp Kurbel is currently studying for the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (from September 2014)
Nicolas Lema Habash
Samuel Levy
Michael Millington is currently a software engineer working in San Francisco (from August 2015)
9 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2013
Amin Ebrahim Afrouzi is currently studying for a PhD in Law at UC Berkeley’s Law School (from September 2013)
Ana Laura Edelhoff completed her PhD in Philosophy at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2017 and also worked as a fixed-term Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen from October 2016 - September 2017. She worked as a Teaching Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Hamburg (from October 2017 - September 2018). She is now a Junior Research Fellow at Somerville College, University of Oxford (from October 2018)
Andrew Hull is currently studying for a PhD in Ancient Philosophy at Northwestern University (from September 2014)
Benjamin Manson completed a Juris Doctor degree at the University of Pennsylvania (2023). He is currently an Associate at Greenberg Traurig (from October 2023)
Maria Mejia
Santiago Melo Arias went on to complete an MA in Classics at Stanford University (June 2016) and is currently working as a Consultant Editor for the Richard Rufus Project. He also teaches Latin and Greek at Instituto Caro y Cuervo in Bogotá, Colombia.
Brian Reese is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania (from 2013)
Eduardo Saldaña is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Geneva (from February 2014). For the 2017 - 2018 academic year, he has been visiting the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo with a fellowship funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Jennifer Sinclaire worked for a communications and technology company (Nuance Communications) which specialises in speech recognition applications from December 2014 to July 2017. She also worked for the academic publisher, John Wiley and Sons. She is currently working as a Data Manager at Jisc (from January 2022)
4 students graduated from the MSt in Ancient in Philosophy in 2012
Jason W. Carter went on the complete the DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (September 2012 – July 2015). He worked as a Michael Cohen Fellow and Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy at Exeter College, University of Oxford from October 2015 – September 2018. He will begin working as a Teaching Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh from January 2019.
Sahan Evren
Justin Keena went on to teach Classics and Philosophy at the Franciscan University of Steubenville (Spring 2013 - Spring 2014). He completed his MA in English at the Catholic University of America in 2016, where he also taught rhetoric and writing. He is currently a web developer at P&R Dental Strategies, and teaches Honours Ancient Greek Philosophy at Nashua Community College.
Kenneth Luu is currently a Volunteer Program Manager at the Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service.