Lesley Brown
![Lesley Brown](https://philosophy.web.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/philosophy/images/media/Lesley-Brown.jpg)
Emeritus Fellow, Somerville
Area of Specialisation:
Career and Education
2002 - 2004 | Director of Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Philosophy |
1993 - 1995 | Chair of Philosophy Sub-faculty |
1971 | Appointed CUF lecturer in Philosophy, University of Oxford |
1970 | Appointed Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, Somerville College, Oxford |
1969 | BPhil in philosophy, University of Oxford |
1967 | B.A. in Literae Humaniores (Class 1) University of Oxford |
Somerville College: Senior Tutor 1985-8, Dean 1993-6; Vice-Principal 1996-9
- (2021) 'Plato’s Theaetetus and the Hunting of the Proposition', Rhizomata Volume 8 Issue 2
- (2019) ‘Aristotle (with the help of Plato) against the claim that morality is ‘only by convention’’ in Ancient Philosophy Today: DIALOGOI 1.1 (2019): 18–37
- (2019) ‘The Sophist on Statements, Predication and Falsehood’, ch 13 of the Oxford Handbook to Plato, ed Gail Fine, second edition
- (2018) ‘Rethinking Agreement in Plato’ in Virtue, Happiness, Knowledge Themes from the work of Gail Fine and Terence Irwin ed David Brink, Susan Sauvé Meyer and Christopher Shields, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 18–33
- (2018) ‘Aporia in Plato’s Theaetetus and Sophist’ in The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy ed George Karamanolis and Vasilis Politis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 91–111
- (2014) Plato, Theaetetus, Oxford World’s Classics, Introduction and notes by Lesley Brown, translation by John McDowell
- (2014) 'Why is Aristotle’s Virtue of Character a Mean? Taking Aristotle at his Word?' In The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, ed R. Polansky (C.U.P)
- (2011) ‘Negation and Not-being: Dark Matter in the Sophist’, in Presocratics and Plato: A Festschrift for Charles Kahn, edd A. Hermann et al Parmenides Publishing
- (2010) ‘Definition and Division in the Sophist’, in Definition in Greek Philosophy edited by David Charles, Oxford 2010, pp151–171
- (2008) ‘The Sophist on statements, predication, and falsehood’, in The Oxford Handbook of Plato edited by Gail Fine, Oxford 2008, pp 437–462
- (2007) ‘Glaucon’s challenge, rational egoism and ordinary morality’, in Pursuing the Good:Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic, edd D. Cairns, F-G Herrmann and T. Penner (Edinburgh Leventis Sudies 4), pp42–60
- (2006) Review of David Sedley, ‘The Midwife of Platonism’, Mind 2006 115: 1178–1181
- (2006) ‘Did Socrates agree to obey the laws of Athens?’ (on Plato's Crito) inRemembering Socrates edd R.L. Judson and V. Karasmanis O.U.P 2006, pp 72–87. Formerly published in Philosophy and Power in the Greco-Roman World edd E.G. Clark and T. Rajak, OUP 2002.
- (1999) ‘Being in the Sophist’: in Plato I Metaphysics and Epistemology ed G. Fine (Oxford Readings in Philosophy (1999) (revised and expanded version of a 1986 paper)
- (1998) ‘How totalitarian is Plato's Republic?’ in Essays on Plato's Republic, ed Erik Nis Ostenfeld, Aarhus University Press 1998, pp13–27
- (1998) ‘Innovation and Continuity: The Battle of Gods and Giants in Plato's Sophist 245-249’ in Method in Ancient Philosophy ed J. Gentzler, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1998, pp181–207
- (1997) ‘What is the ‘mean relative to us’ in Aristotle's Ethics?’ in Phronesis XLII -1 (1997), 77–93
- (1994) ‘The verb ‘to be’ in Greek philosophy’ in Language (Companions to ancient thought 3) ed. Stephen Everson (Cambridge 1994) 212–236