Luca Castagnoli

Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Clarendon Fellow and Tutor in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Oriel College
2015 - present | Associate Professor of Ancient Greek Philosophy and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford |
2007 - 2015 | Lecturer/Senior Lecturer of Ancient Philosophy, Department of Classics and Ancient History, Durham University |
2004 - 2007 | Henry Lumley Research Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge |
2005 | Ph.D. University of Cambridge (Classics) |
2000 | Laurea University of Bologna (Philosophy) |
2010 |
Ancient Self-Refutation: The Logic and History of the Self-Refutation Argument From Democritus to Augustine. Cambridge: CUP. |
Edited volumes
2019 | Greek Memories: Theories and Practices, co-edited with Paola Ceccarelli. Cambridge: CUP. |
Forth. | The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Logic, co-edited with Paolo Fait. Cambridge: CUP. |
Articles and book chapters
2000 | ‘Self-bracketing Pyrrhonism’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 18, 263-328. |
2001 | ‘L’elenchos di Agatone: Una rilettura di Platone, Simposio, 199c3-201c9’, Dianoia 6, 39-84. |
2004 | ‘Protagoras Refuted: How Clever is Socrates’ “Most Clever” Argument at Theaetetus171a-c?’, Topoi 23: 3-32. |
2006 | ‘Memoria Aristotelica, Memoria Agostiniana’, in G. A. Lucchetta, U. La Palombara (eds.),Mente, anima e corpo nel mondo antico. Immagini e funzioni, Pescara: Opera Editrice: 141-160. |
2006 | ‘Liberal Arts and Recollection in Augustine’s Confessions X (ix 16 - xii 19)’, Philosophie Antique, 6: 107-135. |
2007 | ‘Everything is true, Everything is False: Self-Refutation Arguments from Democritus to Augustine’, Antiquorum Philosophia 1: 11-74. |
2009 | ‘Synartēsis crisippea e tesi di Aristotele’, in M. Alessandrelli, M. Nasti De Vincentis (eds.), La logica nel pensiero antico. Napoli: Bibliopolis: 105-163. |
2010 | ‘How Dialectical Was Stoic Dialectic?’, in A. Nightingale, D. Sedley (eds.), Ancient Models of Mind: Studies in Human and Divine Rationality. Cambridge: CUP: 153-179. |
2012 | ‘Ancient Philosophy of Language’ (co-authored with E. V. Di Lascio), in D. G. Fara, G. Russell (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language. London and New York: Routledge: 811-826. |
2012 | ‘Aristotle on Begging the Question Between Dialectic, Logic and Epistemology’, Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 15: 90-121. |
2012 | ‘Self-refutation and Dialectic in Plato and Aristotle’, in J. L. Fink (ed.), Dialectic and Dialogue: The Development of Dialectic from Plato to Aristotle, Cambridge: CUP: 27-61. |
2013 | ‘Democritus and Epicurus on Sensible Qualities in Plutarch, Against Colotes 3-9’, Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIe siècle 3. |
2013 | ‘Early Pyrrhonism: Pyrrho to Aenesidemus’, in F. Sheffield, J. Warren (eds.), Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge: 496-510. |
2015/6 | ‘Aristotle on the Non-Cause Fallacy’, History and Philosophy of Logic 37: 9-32. |
2016 | ‘Aristote sur la pétition de principe’, for J.-B. Gourinat and J. Lemaire (eds.), Logique and dialectique dans l’Antiquité, Paris: Vrin: 259-302. |
2017 | ‘Skeptical Ethics’, in C. Bobonich (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics, Cambridge: CUP: 2018-239. |
2017 | ‘Aporia and inquiry in Ancient Pyrrhonism’, in V. Politis, G. Karamanolis (eds.), The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy, Cambridge: CUP: 205-227. |
2018 | ‘Aenesidemus’, in D. Machuca, B. Reed (eds.) Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present, London and Oxford: Bloomsbury: 67-80. |
2019 | ‘Dialectic in the Hellenistic Academy’, for T. Bénatouïl and K. Ierodiakonou (eds.), Dialectic After Plato and Aristotle. Cambridge, CUP: 168-217. |
2019 |
‘Is Memory of the Past? Aristotle on the Objects of Memory’, in L. Castagnoli and P. Ceccarelli: 236-255. |
2019 | ‘Introduction’ (co-authored with P. Ceccarelli), in L. Castagnoli and P. Ceccarelli: 236-255. |
2019 | ‘The Phaedo on Philosophy and the Soul’, in G. Fine (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Plato, 2nd edn. Oxford: OUP: 183-205. |
2020 | ‘Ideas: Philosophy, Religion and History’, in B. Dignas (ed.) A Cultural History of Memory in the Age of Antiquity. London: Bloomsbury: 83-100. |
Forth. | ‘Fallacies and Paradoxes’, in L. Castagnoli and P. Fait (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Logic. Cambridge: CUP. |
Forth. | ‘Validity and Syllogism’ (co-authored with P. Fait), in L. Castagnoli and P. Fait (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Logic. Cambridge: CUP. |
Ancient dialectic and logic, including broadly ancient theories and practices of argument and fallacy, from Plato to late antiquity (especially Plato, Aristotle, Stoics and Sceptics) |
Ancient epistemology and philosophical scepticism (especially Plato, Stoics, Epicureans, the Hellenistic Academy and the Pyrrhonian tradition) |
Ancient conceptions of memory, recollection, learning and teaching (especially Plato, Aristotle, the Sceptics and Augustine) |