Joseph Schear
I earned my B.A. in philosophy and cognitive science from the University of California, San Diego, and my Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Chicago.
Before moving to Oxford in 2008, I worked for two years as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, located on the central coast of my home state.
Mind, Reason, and Being-in-the-World: The McDowell-Dreyfus Debate, (editor, Routledge, 2012)
Horizons of Intentionality: From Husserl to Heidegger, (monograph in progress)
- “Judgment and Ontology in Heidegger’s Phenomenology” (The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, VII, 2008)
- “Experience and Self-Consciousness” (Philosophical Studies, 2009)
- “Are We Essentially Rational Animals?” (Mind, Reason, and Being-in-the-World, ed. Joseph K. Schear (Routledge, 2012))
- “Introduction: A Battle of Myths” (Mind, Reason, and Being-in-the-World, ed. Joseph K. Schear (Routledge, 2012))
- “Historical Finitude” (forthcoming in The Cambridge Companion to Being and Time, ed. Mark Wrathall, in press)
- “Understanding as a Finite Ability” (forthcoming in Wittgenstein and Heidegger eds. Aaron Wendland, David Egan, and Stephen Reynolds (Routledge, 2013))
- “Phenomenology and Metaphysics: On Moore’s Heidegger” (Philosophical Topics, 2015)
- “Sein” (4000 word entry, forthcoming in The Heidegger Lexicon, ed. M. Wrathall, Cambridge U. Press)
- “Logical Psychologism and the Foundations of Phenomenology” (in press in a volume on Heidegger and his Anglophone Reception, ed. Pietro D’Oriano (Indiana University Press))
- “The Intelligibility of a Mood” (in preparation for Midwest Studies in Philosophy, special issue on The Phenomenology of Affective Life)
- “The Phenomenology of Judgment” (in preparation for Judgment in the Oxford Philosophical Concepts series, ed. Christian Barth)
- “Houses and Zoning Laws” (in preparation for a volume on phenomenology in honour of Steven Crowell’s work, ed. Irene McMullin)
Draft papers in progress:
'Is all consciousness self-consciousness?’
‘Sartre on Others’
‘Agency in Mind'
I am interested in the philosophy of mind, on the one hand, and Post-Kantian European Philosophy, especially the phenomenological tradition, on the other. I also have a strong interest in Kant and German Idealism.
I am currently finishing a book on intentionality, at once drawing on and offering a reading of the seminal writings of Husserl and (the “early”) Heidegger. I am also working on several other problems – e.g. the nature of self-consciousness; the historicity of conceptual schemes, and how best to understand conceptual change; the senses in which phenomenology is, and is not, a Kantian enterprise. I am also developing an interest in some issues in the philosophy of psychopathology, with a special interest in phenomenological and psychoanalytic approaches.
I co-convene the Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar in the Faculty of Philosophy. I am the editor of the European Journal of Philosophy.