Brian Leftow

Area of Specialisation:
2003 - 2018 | Nolloth Professor, Oriel College |
2002 - 2003 | Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame |
1985 - 2002 | Fordham University |
- "Anselm on God", (Oxford: OUP, forthcoming).
- "Aquinas on Metaphysics: Matter, Parts and Number", (NY: OUP, forthcoming).
- "God and Necessity", (Oxford: OUP, 2012).
- "Time and Eternity", (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991).
Edited Books
- "Aquinas: Questions on God", (with Brian Davies) (Cambridge University Press, 2006).
- "The Cambridge Companion to Anselm", (with Brian Davies) (Cambridge University Press, 2004).
- “Tempting God,” Faith and Philosophy, forthcoming.
- “Against Materialist Christology,” in Colin Ruloff and Gerald O’Collins, eds., Reason and Christian Belief (University of Notre Dame Press, forthcoming).
- “God’s Deontic Perfection,” Res Philosophica 90 (2013), 69-95.
- “Time-travel and the Trinity,” Faith and Philosophy July 2012.
- “On Hasker on Leftow on Hasker on Leftow,” Faith and Philosophy July 2012.
- "Aquinas on Impassibility, Immutability and Eternity," in Eleonore Stump and Brian Davies, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 173-186.
- "Aquinas on Omnipotence," in Eleonore Stump and Brian Davies, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 187-195.
- “One Step Toward God,” Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 68 (2011), 67-104.
- “Composition and Christology”, Faith and Philosophy 28 (2011), 310-322.
- “Why Perfect Being Theology?”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 69 (2011), 103-118.
- “Two Trinities: reply to Hasker”, Religious Studies 46 (2010), 441–447.
- “The Humanity of God”, in Anna Marmodoro and Jonathan Hill, eds., The Incarnation (Oxford: OUP, forthcoming).
- “Swinburne on Divine Necessity”, Religious Studies 46 (2010) 141-62.
- "Aquinas on Impassibility, Immutability and Eternity", in Eleonore Stump and Brian Davies, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas (Oxford: OUP, forthcoming).
- "Aquinas on Omnipotence", in Eleonore Stump and Brian Davies, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas (Oxford: OUP, forthcoming).
- "Soul, Mind and Brain", in George Bealer & Robert Koons, eds., The Waning of Materialism (Oxford: OUP, 2010), 395-416.
- "Divine Necessity", in Charles Taliaferro and Chad Meister, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Christian Philosophical Theology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 15-30.
- "Arguments for God's Existence", in Robert Pasnau and Christina Van Dyke, eds., The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), v. 2, 735-48.
- "Anselmian Presentism," Faith and Philosophy 26 (2009), 297-319. "Against Deity Theories", Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 2 (2009), 105-160.
- "Aquinas, Divine Simplicity and Divine Freedom", in Kevin Timpe, ed., Metaphysics and God (London: Routledge, 2009), 21-38.
- "Omnipotence", in Thomas Flint and Michael Rea, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 167-98.
- "Jesus and Aquinas", in Paul Moser, ed., Jesus and Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 124-46.
- "Rowe, Aquinas and God's Freedom", Philosophical Books 48 (2007), 195-206.
- "Modes Without Modalism," in Dean Zimmerman, ed., Persons: Human and Divine(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 357-75.
- "God and the Problem of Universals", Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 2 (2006), 325-56.
- "Aquinas' Philosophical Theology", in Brian Leftow and Brian Davies, eds., Aquinas: Questions on God (Cambridge University Press, 2006), 7-31.
- "Impossible Worlds", Religious Studies 42 (2006), 393-402.
- "Eternity", Donald Borchert, ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition (Detroit: Macmillan, 2006).
- "Concepts of God", Donald Borchert, ed. Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition (Detroit: Macmillan, 2006).
- "Power, Possibilia and Non-Contradiction", The Modern Schoolman (2005), 231-43.
- "Divine Simplicity", Faith and Philosophy 23 (2006), 365-80.
- "No Best World: Creaturely Freedom", Religious Studies 41 (2005), 269-85.
- "Aquinas on God and Modal Truth", The Modern Schoolman 82 (2005), 171-200.
- "No Best World: Moral Luck", Religious Studies 41 (2005), 165-181.
- "The Ontological Argument", in William Wainwright, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion (NY: OUP, 2005), 80-115.
- "Anselm's Perfect Being Theology", in Brian Davies and Brian Leftow, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Anselm (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 132-56.
- "Introduction" (with Brian Davies), in Brian Davies and Brian Leftow, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Anselm (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 1-4.
- "A Latin Trinity", Faith and Philosophy 21 (2004), 304-33. Reprinted in Michael Rea, ed., Oxford Studies in Philosophical Theology 1 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009); Michael Rea and Thomas McCall, eds., Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009); Oliver Crisp, ed., A Reader in Contemporary Philosophical Theology (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, forthcoming).
- "Barth on God's Eternality", in George Hunsinger, ed., For the Sake of the World (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2004), 191-201.
- “Eternity and Immutability”, in William Mann, ed., The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Religion (NY: Basil Blackwell, 2004), 48-77.
- "Aquinas on Attributes", Medieval Philosophy and Theology 11 (2003), 1-41.
- "On a Principle of Sufficient Reason", Religious Studies 39 (2003), 269-86.
- “Anselm’s Neglected Argument”, Philosophy 77 (2002), 331-47.
- "A Timeless God Incarnate", in Daniel Kendall and Steven Davis, eds., The Incarnation (NY: Oxford University Press, 2002), 273-99.
- “Immutability”, The Stanford Online Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- "The Eternal Present", in Gregory Ganssle and David Woodruff, eds., God and Time(Oxford University Press, 2001), 21-48.
- “Presentness, Dates and Eternity”, in L. Nathan Oaklander, ed., The Importance of Time (Boston: Kluwer 2001), 187-98.
- “Parts, Wholes and Eternity”, in L. Nathan Oaklander, ed., The Importance of Time (Boston: Kluwer 2001), 199-206.
- "Souls Dipped in Dust: Aquinas on Soul and Body", in Kevin Corcoran, ed., Body, Soul and Survival (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2001), 120-38.
- "A God Beyond Space and Time", in Roy Varghese, ed., Theos, Anthropos, Christos (N.Y.: Peter Lang, 2000), 145-72.
- "Aquinas on the Infinite", Proceedings of the XX World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center, 1999), 27-38.
- "Anti Social Trinitarianism", in Steven Davis and Daniel Kendall, eds., The Trinity (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 203-48. Reprinted in Michael Rea, ed., Oxford Studies in Philosophical Theology 1 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).
- "The Existence of God", in Roy Varghese, ed., Great Thinkers on Great Questions (London: One World Books/Penguin Books, 1998), 122-5.
- "The Nature of God", in Roy Varghese, ed., Great Thinkers on Great Questions (London: One World Books/Penguin Books, 1998), 230-2.
- "Concepts of God", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (NY: Routledge, 1998), v. 4, 93-102.
- "Divine Simplicity", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (NY: Routledge, 1998), v. 8, 784-8.
- "Immutability", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (NY: Routledge, 1998).
- "Necessary Being", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (NY: Routledge, 1998), v. 6, 743-7.
- "Omnipresence", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (NY: Routledge, 1998), v. 7, 103-7.
- "Voluntarism", The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (NY: Routledge, 1998).
- "Eternity", in Philip Quinn and Charles Taliaferro, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Philosophy of Religion (NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 257-63.
- "Divine Action and Embodiment", Proceedings of the ACPA 71 (1997), 113-124.
- "Anselm on the Cost of Salvation", Medieval Philosophy and Theology B>7 (1997), 73-92.
- "Anselm on the Beauty of the Incarnation", The Modern Schoolman 72 (1995), 109-24.
- "Can Philosophy Argue God's Existence?", in Thomas Senor, ed., The Rationality of Belief and the Plurality of Faith (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1995), 40-70.
- "Anselm on the Necessity of the Incarnation", Religious Studies 31 (1995), 167-85.
- "From Jerusalem to Athens", in Thomas Morris, ed., God and the Philosophers (NY: Oxford University Press, 1994), 189-207.
- "Timelessness and Divine Experience", Sophia 30 (1992), 43-53.
- "Timelessness and Foreknowledge", Philosophical Studies (U.S.) 63 (1991), 309-25.
- "Why Didn't God Create the World Sooner?", Religious Studies 27 (1991), 159-72.
- "Eternity and Simultaneity", Faith and Philosophy 8 (1991), 148-79.
- "Time, Actuality and Omniscience", Religious Studies 26 (1990), 303-22.
- "Aquinas on Time and Eternity", American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 64 (1990), 387-99.
- "Is God an Abstract Object?", Nous 24 (1990), 581-98.
- "God and Abstract Entities", Faith and Philosophy 7 (1990), 193-217.
- "Individual and Attribute in the Ontological Argument", Faith and Philosophy 7 (1990), 235-42.
- "Boethius on Eternity", History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (1990), 123-42.
- "A Leibnizian Cosmological Argument", Philosophical Studies 57 (1989), 135-55.
- "Necessary Moral Perfection", Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 70 (1989), 240-60.
- "Perfection and Necessity", Sophia 28 (1989), 13-20.
- "Anselm on Omnipresence", The New Scholasticism 63 (1989), 326-57.
- "The Roots of Eternity", Religious Studies 24 (1989), 189-212.
- "A Modal Cosmological Argument", International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 24 (1988), 159-88.
- "Anselmian Polytheism", International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1988), 77-104.
- "Existence in the Understanding in Proslogion II", Anselm Studies 2 (1988), 251-61.
- "God and the World in Hegel and Whitehead", in G. Lucas, ed., Hegel and Whitehead(Albany: SUNY Press,1986), 237-47.