Ethics in AI Lunchtime Research Seminar (Wednesday - Week 8, HT25)
Wednesday 12th March, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Hybrid: Oxford / Remote
Professor Claudia E. Haupt (Northeastern University): 'Generative AI and Medical Advice'
Abstract: What does it mean to give professional advice, and how do things change when various forms of technology, such as decision-support software, predictive advice-generating algorithms, or generative AI are inserted into the process of professional advice-giving? This talk considers the introduction of generative AI into the healthcare provider-patient relationship.
For more information on the speaker click here: Claudia E. Haupt
In-person Venue: The address will be sent to you once you register.
Remote: The connection link will be sent to you once you register (usually the day before the event).
These sessions will run weekly during term time. A new form will need to be completed for each seminar so that you receive the relevant joining instructions.