Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (Thursday - Week 2, HT23)
Thursday 26 January, 4:00pm
Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
Cristiana Sessini (Oxford): 'The pessimism of Plato’s Cave'
In this paper, I present a novel interpretation of the allegory of the Cave, based on an analysis of its Orphic subtext and its parallels with the eschatological myths of the Phaedo and Phaedrus. The result is a radical reassessment of the apparent epistemic optimism of the Cave allegory, with wide-ranging implications for Plato’s philosophy.
If you would like to go out to dinner with the speaker after the talk, then please contact the chair of the meeting before Tuesday. The meals of the chair and the speaker are covered by the faculty; others attend at their own expense.
Chair: Alesia Preite
Workshop in Ancient Philosophy Convenors: Ursula Coope, Simon Shogry and Alexander Bown