Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar (Monday - Week 4, HT25)
Monday 10 February, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities
Fiona Doherty (University of Glasgow): 'Neo-Fregean logicism: Frege's final word'
Abstract: I argue Frege had an unappreciated line of argument against using Hume's Principle as a foundational logical axioms, the starting point of the neo-Fregean logicist programme. The line of argument comes from Frege's letters to David Hilbert. I use this connection to level Frege's objections against Hilbert to Hale and Wright and ultimately give a new explanation of the Caesar problem. I conclude that Frege has all along given us, if not the numbers, at least the key diagnostic objection for why Hale and Wright are unable to establish both platonism and logicism.
Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar Convenors: Daniel Isaacson and Christopher Scambler