Love and Truth in Religion - A Symposium at Regent’s Park College (Friday - Week 6, MT)

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No conference fee, but registration necessary to:

Friday 16 November


10.00 am
HRH Professor Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan

Spiritus Ubi Vult Spirat? The Question of Platonism and Islamic Mysticism of Love


11.15 am Coffee/tea break


11.45 am

Amber L. Griffioen

Margarete von Wrangell Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz

Love, Passivity, and Neoplatonic Metaphysics: The Problems (and Promise) of a 'Mystical Ethics'


1.00 pm           Sandwich lunch provided


2.15 pm
Mircea Dumitru
Rector of the University of Bucharest, Professor of Philosophy and formerly Minister of Education, Romania.
The Universal and the Particular: Truth and Love in the Aristotelian Tradition


3.30 pm Coffee/tea break

4.00 pm – 5. 15 pm

Fiona Ellis, Professor of Philosophy, Heythrop College, University of London
Desire and the Platonic Tradition


6.30 pm   Drinks before dinner

7.00 pm   Dinner: Formal Hall, Regent’s Park College for keynote speakers and other invited guests.