Harvey Brown, “On Probability, Multiverses, and Yogi Berra"

harvey brown

While we can't promise this brunch with Oxford's Harvey Brown will make you an expert in quantum mechanics, he will give you a way of explaining it that will make it sound like you are.

Prof Harvey Brown was recently featured on With a Side of Knowledge, a new podcast produced by the Office of the Provost at the University of Notre Dame. The podcast features informal interviews with fascinating scholars and professionals from both Notre Dame and elsewhere that take place over brunch. Listen to the show with Harvey Brown here.


In the show’s third episode, “On Probability, Multiverses, and Yogi Berra,” host Ted Fox chatted with Harvey Brown, emeritus professor of philosophy of physics at the University of Oxford, who spent the spring 2018 semester as a residential fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. He explained how trying to define probability—which at first might sound simple—is actually part of the broader complexity of quantum mechanics.


You can visit provost.nd.edu/podcast to learn more about the show, including how to find it on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher. You can also search “With a Side of Knowledge” in your favorite podcast app.