Hegel Reading Group
The Hegel Reading Group meets in term weekly on Tuesdays 6-7.30 pm by Skype. We continue with Hegel's 'Phenomenology of Spirit'; we are now at 'Spirit that is certain of itself. Morality', starting from paragraph 596 of the Miller translation (OUP 1977) although any translation may be used. Each week's reading is posted on hegelinoxford.wordpress.com
To join the Skype group or for enquiries contact susanne.herrmann-sinai@ philosophy.ox.ac.uk or louise.braddock@philosophy.ox.ac.uk.
Metaphysics and Language Reading Group | 4:00-5:30pm | New College (Conduit Room)
A weekly pre-read reading group on topics in metaphysics and philosophy of language, focusing this term on predicate reference and properties. Readings will include classic papers and more recent works. Reading for week 3 is chapter seven of Michael Dummett (1973)'s Frege: Philosophy of Language, 'The reference of incomplete expressions'. Please contact katherine.hong@philosophy.ox.ac.uk to be added to the mailing list for future readings.
The Faraday Institute Research Seminars | 1.00 pm
Chris Oldfield: Naturalism Without Content: Where Plantinga’s Conflict Actually Lies
Visit faraday.institute/seminars