Digest Summer Vacation 2023

This page lists all Philosophy-related events taking place throughout the Summer vacation.


Notices - other Philosophy events, including those taking place elsewhere in the university and beyond

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Ethox Seminar

Dr Maxwell J Smith (Assistant Professor, School of Health Studies, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada): 'Ethics of mandatory vaccination: Lessons and outstanding questions from COVID-19'

This will be a hybrid seminar taking place between 2.30-4pm in the Lower Ground Seminar Room 0, Big Data Institute, Oxford.

The suboptimal uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in many parts of the world prompted unprecedented public debate concerning the ethics of mandatory vaccination. It is imperative we learn lessons from this debate so we are better positioned to navigate policy proposals for mandatory vaccination in the future. Drawing on the presenter's scholarship and role providing policy advice during COVID-19, including as the lead author of the World Health Organization's policy brief on the ethics of mandatory vaccination for COVID-19, this seminar will distill key lessons and identify outstanding questions and challenges the ethics community ought to prioritize to inform future consideration of vaccine mandates.

If you would like to join online, please register here.



'The Dynamics of Delusion' Seminar (1 of 3)

Introductory  Remarks: Dr Matthew Parrott, University of Oxford

Time/date: Thursday 5 October 2023

Venue: St Hilda's College

Any and all are welcome.  

Contact Matthew Parrott if you have any questions or would like more information about the seminar series.
